About Me

My name is Chris, and i'm not very good at rubik's cubes, but don't judge me for that. Anyway, here are my digital graphics works.

21 September 2010

Buster Keaton Leaflet.

This is the finished product of my Buster Keaton leaflet. Overall I'm not that pleased with it, and there were some complications and i had to do a do-over at one point. The outline is really scruffy and the text had to be cut short as there was actually no way i could fit it all in.

This is the original image when i first started. There are two layers here and so far no editing.

This is when i first started drawing the outline of Buster, starting with his forehead and going back.

This is the outline complete, devoid of Buster currently. However, for some reason it was shoddily done, note the random spikes on his shoulder and elbow.

The cropped Buster.

Buster, now Text wrapped.

Text also in the outline of Buster.

And at last, the final  product. Personally, i really do not like this at all. I was confused during the whole workings of this assignment, as you can see, and i couldn't fit all the text in. It definitely needs re-doing correctly.

Animal Face

This is a picture of a harmless kitty i used to implant my facial features onto with Photoshop. I used the crop tools and layers to make his horrific creature possible.

Next, i decided to combine America's current president Barrack Obama, and a Giant tortoise. This is a screen shot of me attempting to balance the colour, i was attempting to make his skin look a little more gray so as to match the tortoise's.

First i had to remove the reptiles features, i.e its eyes and nose and mouth. It is now ready for combining.

I have successfully  copied Mr. Obama's features onto the animal, and they are now ready to be morphed.

The items have had the excess around them erased on another layer so they look more natural. There is still a while more to do before it looks slightly more realistic.

This is my finished product. I call it the Baratoise. Overall I'm reasonably pleased with it, although the nose still needs some work, however if i erased anymore i would lose all sense of distinctiveness.