About Me

My name is Chris, and i'm not very good at rubik's cubes, but don't judge me for that. Anyway, here are my digital graphics works.

19 October 2010

My fake band

Possible band names (Tongue in cheek emo names)

Agents of Icarus
The Augmented
The Deprived
Addicted to
Metal Gear
Taking the Blame*
Still Asking
Share the Fate
Design for Disaster
Betrayed by Time
In Demand
Crippled by Fear
Random Despair
Tragedy Provider
Sufferer Utopia
Agony of Paranoia
Against Apocalypse
Lexical Gap


Taking the Blame are a Norwich Band which were first formed in July 2010 when Chris Wyer (Bass guitar, vocals) and Kai Barrett (Rhythm guitar, vocals)  discussed it after walking into a music shop and feeling insignificant that none of the instruments made sense to them. They were later joined by Cal Hudson (Drums) who felt left out of the conversation (and conveniently had a drum set in his house) They were later joined by Samuel Jay who played bongos and maracas. Subsequently, he was kicked out of the band for being such a douche bag all the time. Sam Hunt finally joined playing the role of Lead guitar. The release of their first single Agent of Icarus was a no.3 hit in the U.S, while their second release Deprivation hit number one in the UK, with their debut album named Lexical Gap shifting over a million copies. Their second album Still Asking met similar praise. After a two year hiatus, they are currently working on their third studio album named The Broken Man’s Soundtrack.

LEXICAL GAP                                                           STILL ASKING                     
-Burning the house down                                             -The Heart’s Desire
-Wingless                                                                      -Share the fate with me
-The Nihilist                                                                 -Designed for Disaster
-Drowning in your Lacuna                                           -Betrayed by Time
-Agent of Icarus                                                            -In Demand
-Days Gone By                                                              -Crippled by Fear
-Augments and Implements                                           -Random Despair
-Miles Behind Us                                                           -Tragedy Provider
-Deprivation                                                                   -Suffer the Utopia
-Safety Behind Bars                                                       -The Agony of Paranoia
-Addicted To (Bonus Track)                                          -Against Apocalypse
                                                                                        -Crazy in Hate
                                                                                        -Miles Behind Us (Live at the O2)

Album concepts

Lexical Gap-Termination for a gap in a language (Also known as a lacuna)-e.g. we don’t have a word for someone who isn’t a virgin, and the Croatians don’t have a word for deep.

 Concept art for lexical gap.

Some concept pictures drawn in paint. If my ‘band’ co-operates, then I will take these photos and edit them in photoshop.

STILL ASKING concept art

12 October 2010

Photoshop banner practice.

Here is my first ever photoshop animation. As you can see, it features Keanu Reeves, and doesn't make much sense.

And here is a version of it which i edited (Slightly). And as you can see, it makes much more sense, and as you may have guessed, it harbours some very deep political views verging on satire.

5 October 2010

Photoshop fuuun.

Today, i decided to alter a random picture on the internet, replacing the subjects faces with my favourite photoshop model, Barack Obama.
Here are my unfortunate subjects.

Here they are now. With a cheeky Boris Johnson poking in. I'm pretty proud of this. I could have made it better by molding his faces to fit the hair better, or coloured their hands and arms to fit his skin colour.

Breaking news..!

This is my newspaper i created using the animal face task.

This is my frame grid I used as the basis for my design, with the guide lines there to help me.

Now I have added the picture from my previous post, The Baratoise, and have made up a story to go with it.
Don't worry though...it's untrue. Currently.

Now i have added two actual stories that appeared this week, one about the owner of the Segway tragically dying (In a segway accident) and the other about a new iPad rival.
This is the finished product. While all of the bottom stories are actually true, the ones on the top, thankfully are not. I thought it would be more fun that way. Overall i'm pleased with it, while it isn't the prettiest looking newspaper ever created. I liked writing the story, an i could have written at least an A4 page of it, not to mention all of the absurd smaller stories on the top. I think i would like to use more pictures, and have a better logo than my current one, but i had trouble importing them into place, although that one picture of the Playbook does look a little out of place.